Work, Code, Ride: A Glimpse into Oliver's Life at avilo

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Hi, Oliver! We’re so happy to catch up with you today! How are you?

Hi there! I'm doing great, thanks for asking! It's a pleasure to catch up with you all.

What is your position at avilo and how long have you been part of the company?

I'm a front-end developer at avilo. I started with a 3-month internship, which was a fantastic learning experience and gave me a great foundation in the company's projects and culture. Now, I've transitioned to a full-time position and have been working in this role for one month. It's been an exciting journey, and I'm thrilled to be part of such a dynamic and innovative team.


Congratulation on getting your full-time position! Can you tell me what a typical day at avilo looks like for you?

Sure! A typical day at avilo for me usually starts around 9 AM. I begin by checking my emails and messages to catch up on any updates or tasks that may have come in overnight. After that, I dive into coding.

My work primarily involves developing and maintaining the front-end of our applications, using React and Redux for state management, or vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Depending on the project, I might be implementing new features, fixing bugs, or optimizing existing code.

In the afternoon, I continue working on my tasks and may also have meetings with other teams, such as the backend or design teams, to ensure everything is aligned and progressing smoothly. Towards the end of the day, I review what I've accomplished and update my task board.

Working at avilo is engaging and rewarding, as there's always something new to learn and exciting projects to work on. The supportive team environment makes it a great place to grow and develop my skills.

What skills do you think are essential for success in your field?

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript because these are the foundational languages for web development.

  • Frameworks and Libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js, and their associated libraries (e.g., Redux, Vuex) is vital for building scalable and efficient applications.

  • The ability to create responsive design interfaces that work seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes is essential in today's mobile-first environment.

  • Familiarity with Git for managing and collaborating on code repositories is a must.

  • Problem-Solving Skills, to analyze complex issues, debug code effectively, and implement solutions efficiently is crucial.

  • Understanding UX principles and basic design concepts enhances the usability and appeal of the applications you develop.

  • Working well in a team, being able to articulate ideas clearly, and actively participating in discussions and code reviews are essential for successful project outcomes.

  • Keeping up with new technologies, trends, and best practices in front-end development ensures that your skills remain relevant and competitive.

  • Proficiency in writing unit tests and using debugging tools to ensure code quality and reliability.

  • Being able to adapt to changing requirements, technologies, and priorities is crucial in a fast-paced development environment.

These skills not only contribute to individual success but also enable collaboration and innovation within a team, ultimately leading to the delivery of high-quality, user-friendly web applications.

Those skills are certainly key to your field. Now, let's talk about your personal interests—how do you spend your free time when you’re not working?

Mountain biking is one of my favorite ways to spend my free time. It's an exhilarating sport that combines the thrill of riding with the beauty of nature. Each ride is a new adventure, offering unique challenges and breathtaking scenery. It's a fantastic workout that builds strength, endurance, and balance. The focus required to tackle trails and obstacles helps clear my mind and reduces stress. The sense of accomplishment after completing a difficult trail is incredibly rewarding. Overall, mountain biking is not just a sport for me it's a passion that combines adventure, fitness, and a love for the great outdoors.


Mountain biking sounds like an incredible way to spend your free time. How do you balance your work life with your passion for mountain biking?

Balancing work and my passion for mountain biking is crucial for maintaining both my productivity and well-being. Here’s how I manage to keep a healthy balance:

  • Prioritizing Time Management: I plan my week ahead, allocating specific time slots for work, biking, and other activities. This helps me stay organized and ensures I make time for my hobbies.

  • Setting Boundaries: I make it a point to set clear boundaries between work and personal time. This means no work during my designated biking times and vice versa.

  • Weekend Adventures: Weekends are ideal for longer rides and exploring new trails. I dedicate part of my weekends to mountain biking, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the experience.

  • Staying Flexible: I maintain a flexible approach to my schedule. If work demands more time on certain days, I adjust my biking schedule accordingly.

  • Health and Fitness Benefits: The physical fitness gained from mountain biking directly benefits my work by keeping me healthy, reducing stress, and improving my overall mental clarity and focus.

By incorporating these strategies, I ensure that I stay productive at work while still dedicating ample time to my passion for mountain biking. This balance keeps me motivated and fulfilled in both areas of my life.

And lastly, if you could give one life advice to your younger self, what would you say?

Don’t be afraid to explore new interests, ask questions, and seek knowledge in all areas of life. Challenges and setbacks are opportunities for growth.

Trust in your ability to overcome obstacles, and always stay true to your passions and values. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, so enjoy every step along the way.

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